Everyone who attended got a sweet rose!
The snow was pretty, but the party was still on!
Just a little update for my friends who weren't able to make it to the Norwex party. I thought for sure we'd be snowed out as we got several inches in the yard around the house...but the roads weren't bad...Ruth didn't even have hardly any snow in her area an hour or so away so she didn't think we had what we did..Some ladies were wondering if it was still on...and so was I, though I would be surprised if people would get out in the snow, but she said it is still on! So I prepared the food, mini (Venison) hamburgers (Linda came over and helped!), some venison bbQ I had in the freezer, veggies and dip, blue berry and sweet potato and choc chip muffins. We just did get finished in time for the party to begin! Little baby Benjamin and sister Hosanah came with Ruthy. Some ladies showed up as well...thanks Merv for bringing Brenda B. and Karen S & their daughters .. Brenda S. came as well as Emily. And Mark and Linda's hubby Nathan ended up hanging out downstairs-even though I wished they could have seen the demos. Very informational and impressive what the products can do. From cleaning the ceiling fan in the living room that hasn't been cleaned since we moved in in 2009, to cleaning the butter smeared on the microwave, the chicken test, cleaned baked on stuff off the oven glass, and impressively shining the chrome of the tub spigot, we had a blast seeing what Norwex could do! I even got a nice Pink set of Microfiber Antibac cloth and polishing cloth just for hostessing. So, if you are at all interested, I'll be putting in the order this week, so just contact me within a day or two and I'll hook you up!
Top half of tub cleaned, bottom half with scum, didn't take a million and one years worth of scrubbing either.
Top you can see scum on the chrome and bottom you can see how it cleaned the spigot to a shine with no scratching and didn't take lots and lots of elbow grease. We used only the "SpiriSponge" Item no. 354102 and Blue Diamond All-in-One Cleaner, Item no. 403461, and finish it with an Enviro Cloth (Available in Red-which is really a pink, Green (Pastel in color), Yellow and Blue.
Thanks so much Ruthy for showing us more about Norwex!
Good for the environment, and good for you!
Good for the environment, and good for you!

Norwex Party at Laura's House and Online Party! (Tues, March 25th, 2014)
By Laura Rhodes - 10:53 PM
Hello everyone! Enjoy Food, and have Fun and fellowship as you learn more about Wonderful No Chemical Norwex Cleaning products. Click here to register. Go to online Catalog at Norwex.com for browsing through their products. Can't attend? Just contact me via email and let me know what you'd like from their online catalogue. Percentage off for this special Norwex Party event. Ruthy Green will be showing us demonstrations of what Norwex Cleaning products can do.
I'll be hosting at my house this Tuesday, March 25th, at 6:30 p.m for whomever can attend with Independent Sales Rep, Ruthy Green demonstrating the AWESOME Norwex products. Please note that if you are unable to attend, you can still order if you see something you'd like from the 2014 online catalog at www.norwex.com and still receive the percent off your order.
You will get a Percent off when you place an order for this event. *Special Incentives for Hostesses. Have any questions, or need more info, please contact me. Thanks. If possible, I'd like to get in orders a couple of weeks after the party date. I can send a follow-up email specifying when. That gives you some time to view these demo videos and look at the catalogue. Just email me or call me (434) 229.4616 with any questions or any items you think you'd like to have.
The Enviro Cloth video. Sample Norwex Party. Norwex Chicken Demo. Cleaning Blinds with Norwex. Norwex Mop Demo. Cleaning in the Kitchen with Norwex. Norwex cloths remove Butter. 10 Products used everyday.

Update from Ruthie regarding *incentives: She passed this to me and I pass this to you so you will know. Thanks so much!
Hi Laura,
Just wanted to send you some tips that Norwex consultants send to hostesses that will increase the amount of free gifts you receive as a hostess. Your success as a hostess is directly associated to the amount of people you invite to your gathering. Typically, 1/3 of the people invited will attend and it is usually best to invite in person, either with a phone call or a personal verbal/written invitation. Email and Facebook invites are fine but don't usually generate the positive responses that personal invitations will. Next, be sure to let your prospective attendees know that, if they are unable to attend your party, they can still benefit by ordering items before or after the party. Give them a date of your choosing that will be the deadline for all sales to be submitted. Inform all prospective attendees that I will be offering them the opportunity to gain free products by simply offering to host a Norwex gathering for their friends and family. Another bonus I offer is a free item of their choice to folks who were invited to a party and bring a guest along. So by simply inviting others your guests earn a free item for each person that attends due to their invitation.
I also offer a free gift to any hostess that recruits a future party booking for me before the date of her party. In other words, if you offer prospective party attendees the opportunity (before your party date) to host a future Norwex party, and they accept, you will receive a free gift of your choice from my gift basket. These are real Norwex products not trinkets that I am trying to get rid of. The goal is to achieve at least 2 bookings from each party and, if that is done, then the hostess will receive 1 gift for each party booked. In the event that there are 3 bookings from one party, then each person that has committed to a party date will have their name entered into a drawing for a second free item (this is typically a higher priced item). Now, keep in mind, that these incentives are over and above the hostess gift (Envirocloth and Polishing Cloth) the hostess already receives for having the Norwex party. Another bonus that I offer my hostesses is a 50% discount on one item (and most people will pick the mop system or another high dollar item) if she attends a party that was booked at the party she conducted. This is not a one time offer... this offer will apply for every party she attends that was booked from her initial party. So just imagine how many products she can purchase at a 50% discount just by attending future Norwex gatherings. This discount is better than what I receive as an Independent Norwex Consultant!
Finally, let me remind you of your goals as a hostess. Your sales goals for your party is a minimum of $325 and at least one booking (this can be a booking generated before, during, or after your party but before your sales are submitted) to receive the hostess special. With just 5 outside orders, 1 booking, and a $200 - $300 party total this could easily accomplished. This changes each month so you can check the special for this month BUT, trust me, it is a very generous hostess package. This month's hostess special will be different from next month's but each month's hostess package will include approximately $200 of free products. As an added incentive each hostess will receive more free products according to the number of buying guests. For example, 5 buying guests will get you a free Envirocloth, 8 buying guests will earn you a Body Pack, 10 buying guests will bring you a car cloth, 13 buying guests a Dusting Mitt, and 15 buying guests will earn you a Kitchen Scrub Cloth. The final hostess incentive goes like this: the more you have in sales the more FREE products you earn. $249 in customer sales offers you 8% in free products, $250 - $749 in sales grants you 10%, and for $750 in sales you will receive 12% of free Norwex products. As you can see this is quite a hostess package and it's is all geared to guarantee your efforts as a hostess are generously rewarded.
Please feel free to call me with any questions and I will be happy to help. Thanks you so much for allowing me the opportunity to showcase our products to your family and friends. I look forward to seeing you enjoying our time together.
Blessings, Ruthy Green
Independent Norwex Consultant.
Blessings, Ruthy Green
Independent Norwex Consultant.
Exerpt From Norwex:
The Norwex Solution
- With Norwex Microfiber System, you will not breathe, touch or ingest chemicals – you simply create a cleaner, healthier indoor environment.
- Norwex Marine Organics and Naturally Timeless personal care products offer cutting-edge technology coupled with organic and natural ingredients – without harmful parabens or preservatives.
- SAVE Time – the Norwex Cleaning System decreases cleaning time by 75% or more.
- SAVE Money - An average household spends $600-$800 a year on chemical cleaning products and supplies. By using Norwex products you can realize up to a 90% savings!
- Norwex helps make cleaning fun, fast and easy and teaches your family how to improve their health and environment!
Recipe & Ingredients for a Natural Herbal Cleanser:
{Into a glass quart jar put}
Lemon peel (or any citrus)
Fill it up half way with White Vinegar
Use your own amounts of each item...no set amount...Use Your favorite Herbs.
Let it sit for two weeks, shake the jar every couple days or so. Strain it off and put in a spray bottle.
Enjoy-All Natural!
Enjoy-All Natural!

I love making this refreshing drink that is all natural and has way less sugar than traditional Ginger Ale. "It's different", people always say. It is, because it's not so sugary sweet, but the notes of Ginger and lemon shine through giving you a naturally fermented drink that you just can't get in the store. When you make it yourself you know where it is coming from and can make it to suit your own tastes. Why not make your own Ginger Ale today?
{For the link to the Ginger Ale Recipe, please click here and it will direct you to the shared post link for recipe from the Kitchn. This is one of the more straight forward ways to make Ginger Ale, so that's the recipe I personally use.

Here is a great recipe for making your own Alcohol and Sugar Free Vanilla Extract by Simply Sugar and Gluten free dot com. Enjoy!
More About Vanilla and Vanilla Extract
The Agave Plant
Like many others, I thought Agave Nectar is supposed to be good for you. Read this eye opening post by the Food Renegade on what it is that they sell in the stores!
Pie made with Agave Nectar

Check out this great DIY for a non alcoholic Mint extract perfect for baking, to put in beverages, etc. at Melissa Knorris's website.
More info about Mint: Click here.
Click the here to go to the post on how to make your own salve, ointment or balm by Whispering Earth. For printer friendly version click here.

Wiki Commons
A how to on how to infuse your oils for making balms and salves with herbs to make your oil have medicinal qualities. Great resources and info at the Whispering Earth.

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Calendula Flower with Bee |
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Rhodes House Marigolds |
A plant I like to plant every year is Calendula officinalis, otherwise known as pot marigold (Picture 1). It should not be mistaken for common marigold (picture 2), or Mexican marigold, both of which are in the genus Tagetes. Tagetes marigolds are popularly used in companion planting (to ward off bugs in the garden), and for helping to rid the soil of nemadtodes.
Did you know it is a very common ingredient in make lotions, balms and salves? Calendula is anti-inflammatory and antiseptic and soothes, heals and helps regenerate skin. You’ll find Calendula extract as an ingredient in expensive beauty products, but you can make your own Calendula salve inexpensively. Click on the links for more info on planting, harvesting and drying Calendula from Root Simple.
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Rhodes House Extracts |
Ever wonder how to make your own Extracts at home? Now you can and without alcohol. Check out this post from Frugal living on how to make your own Non alcoholic Extracts.
And another one from eHow dot com