Welcome to our Blog!
This blog is dedicated to the home, homemaking, gardening, homesteading, and keeping informed in what is important in life. I hope the info that I've gleaned can be passed on and be helpful as it has helped me. My testimony is below.

The Rhodes Family-Mark, Laura, Snowball & Graylin

The Rhodes Family-Mark, Laura, Snowball & Graylin
Laura was born in Lynchburg, VA and raised in Amherst County along with her younger brother, Brian. I had many fun times as a child playing with her brother and the neighborhood children. After disobedience to authority figures and rebellion in my younger years the Lord began to reveal Himself more and more to me that I needed a savior and became convicted of my sin. By faith in Jesus to take away sin, repentance and turning toward Jesus to live her life for Him I could become a new creature in Christ. It has been a continual and progressive progress, but God is faithful, longsuffering and patient. God gives more light as we go along in life and we are responsible to walk in that light as we get it. It is my desire to be a doer of the Word and not merely a hearer and to encourage others along the way as I am continually being challenged by God's principles and plan for my life. I am a stay at home wife of husband, Mark. We have two cats, Snowball and Graylin. Pray for us as we attend Dayspring Christian Church where we minister and help feed the sheep. I also do crafting on the side to let my creative juices flow and bless others.
I'd love to hear from you. Blessings to you all!