Everyone who attended got a sweet rose!
The snow was pretty, but the party was still on!
Just a little update for my friends who weren't able to make it to the Norwex party. I thought for sure we'd be snowed out as we got several inches in the yard around the house...but the roads weren't bad...Ruth didn't even have hardly any snow in her area an hour or so away so she didn't think we had what we did..Some ladies were wondering if it was still on...and so was I, though I would be surprised if people would get out in the snow, but she said it is still on! So I prepared the food, mini (Venison) hamburgers (Linda came over and helped!), some venison bbQ I had in the freezer, veggies and dip, blue berry and sweet potato and choc chip muffins. We just did get finished in time for the party to begin! Little baby Benjamin and sister Hosanah came with Ruthy. Some ladies showed up as well...thanks Merv for bringing Brenda B. and Karen S & their daughters .. Brenda S. came as well as Emily. And Mark and Linda's hubby Nathan ended up hanging out downstairs-even though I wished they could have seen the demos. Very informational and impressive what the products can do. From cleaning the ceiling fan in the living room that hasn't been cleaned since we moved in in 2009, to cleaning the butter smeared on the microwave, the chicken test, cleaned baked on stuff off the oven glass, and impressively shining the chrome of the tub spigot, we had a blast seeing what Norwex could do! I even got a nice Pink set of Microfiber Antibac cloth and polishing cloth just for hostessing. So, if you are at all interested, I'll be putting in the order this week, so just contact me within a day or two and I'll hook you up!
Top half of tub cleaned, bottom half with scum, didn't take a million and one years worth of scrubbing either.
Top you can see scum on the chrome and bottom you can see how it cleaned the spigot to a shine with no scratching and didn't take lots and lots of elbow grease. We used only the "SpiriSponge" Item no. 354102 and Blue Diamond All-in-One Cleaner, Item no. 403461, and finish it with an Enviro Cloth (Available in Red-which is really a pink, Green (Pastel in color), Yellow and Blue.
Thanks so much Ruthy for showing us more about Norwex!
Good for the environment, and good for you!
Good for the environment, and good for you!